“Etiquette is a code of behavior based on consideration and thoughtfulness.” - Emily Post

The philosophy of etiquette is timeless and everlasting, whereas manners – the ways in which we live out the code of behavior of etiquette – are ever-changing. Manners by their nature, adapt to the times. Indeed, there are standards on which etiquette is based which never change:

  • Respect for others

  • Remaining honest and trustworthy

  • Putting others at ease

  • Showing kindness and courtesy to others


Why is etiquette important?

The essence of etiquette has always been about respecting others and putting others’ needs before your own. And isn’t that a lovely way to go through life? It not only helps others feel more at ease around us but helps us offer a more positive image to others.

Harvard and Stanford studies have shown that technical skills only contributed 15% to one’s success in the workplace. It is etiquette which fuels positive work relationships and enables us to face whatever the future may bring with strength of character and integrity.

As companies develop, grow, or establish themselves in different countries, they’ll encounter obstacles they have never faced in the Western world. Business dealings contain a myriad of cultural nuances that westerners may simply not understand: they need an expert who understands cross-cultural communication to help the company overcome these obstacles and succeed.

What is dining etiquette? Why is it important?

When one is aware of proper etiquette, it allows them to be present with their guests instead of worrying about which utensil to use. All of it becomes second nature and contributes to an enhanced dining experience because good table manners are unobtrusive and natural.

The impact of technology
With technology improving rapidly, our conversations have become more abbreviated, business and social settings have become more casual, and it’s gotten to the point where etiquette and communication have fallen to the wayside. We often communicate in 140 characters or less, a simple quote to go with a picture, and hope that we’re able to relay our message. And yet, the most important messages require elaborate sentences that will help your audience understand your message.

The “casualization” of society

Another emerging trend is that children and young adults today alike are much more casual than they used to be due to technology, which becomes an issue when they enter the workforce. A lot of the “common sense” knowledge about how to behave or communicate with others are simply not taught to them and certainly not experienced by them. This creates a gap between experienced veterans and entry-level staff and becomes a concern for companies as all employees represent the brand’s image. Therefore, training all employees will help companies maintain a positive work environment internally and an unified image publicly.
